Posted in Writing Advice

Take Courage! 

Hello everyone, 

This week was a struggle with figuring out what to write a blog post about. My dear friends, I’m still waiting for good news. I’m really having a rough time lately with an issue in my personal life. My husband has been my greatest support, encouragement, and God has been my greatest inspiration. But for some reason I’m still afraid. I’m doing heavy job searching, and no luck yet, and it’s getting extremely frustrating. There have been times this week where I’ve been so tempted to give up hope. Sadly, this burden also leaves me with no time for writing. 

Have you ever had those days where you’re tempted to give up hope? Where it’s a struggle to move on? If you have issues completely trusting in God? 

Our God will never abandon us. I keep reminding myself of that daily. I’ve been doing a lot of soul searching and realized that I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ve tried my very hardest and that’s all that truly matters in the end. 

A lot of times in life we are faced with intense challenges that are intended to define us, to make us stronger. Jesus promised us in Matthew to take courage! For he has overcome the world. He knows what’s best for us. God will never forsake us. 

Often times when I feel my faith weakening, I am reminded of the Israelites in their forty years in the wilderness. Over and over again, they doubt God. But over and over again, God shows them how he will richly provide for them, and proves it beautifully. 

So whether you’re just agreeing with me, need a reminder, or maybe I just need a reminder, remember, take courage! Everything will be okay. Because God is in control. He provides for us, and he will make everything good again. We’re just learning patience while we wait 🙂 

Have a good week! 

JMK 🙂 


Freelance author and writer based in North Dakota. Jenna Kinzler is an avid writer, decorator, knitter, and coffee, cat, & owl lover. She is happily married to her husband, who is her second best friend compared to God, to Whom she has been born again to true salvation, praise God! She also has a young son and one rambunctious but old cat at home. She looks forward to the many adventures ahead that include God, family, and writing - all that, of course, will be shown in this neat little blog that centers exactly around all of those wonderful things!